Indoor Games

The Indoor Department is housed on the first floor of the Club house. This department offers facilities for playing Caroms, Chess, Cards and Table-Tennis. Competition for each indoor game is organized every year. The department is registered with West Bengal Carom Association.
The Samity runs a Yogasan Training Centre under guidance of qualified male & female coaches. Centre runs on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday & Sunday every week. Members have benefited much from Yoga learnt and practiced at the centre. Exhibitions and competitions of Yogasans are often organized for promotion of Yoga. The Centre is registered with District Authority.
Multi-gym:This department is equipped with modern facilities for training and practicing for body-building and promotion of body-fitness under the regular observation of able coaches for all members to their best of satisfaction. Special time-slots are reserved for ladies to avail the multigym facilities under supervision of female coaches. Multigym has been recently expanded and more instruments have been provided to meet the growing demands of the members.
Gymnastics:Gymnastics, when learnt and practiced under qualified coaches, make optimum input of fitness and agility to any human body. Gymnastics, very correctly termed as Mother Sports, need to be learnt and practiced from the right age by any budding sportsman, more so for an intending professional of any discipline for a successful career with much less risks of injuries in a sport of his choice. GSKS with its spotless background of Sports Culture has been running its Gymnastics Training Centre for years under qualified coaches. This department, housed in our new premises five-minutes-walk away from club house, is equipped with modern necessary apparatus. Gymnasts from the centre have produced outstanding performances at State and National levels and thus glorified the Samity and themselves. Frequent Compositions are organized to promote Gymnastics and encourage players, particularly the beginners. The Samity takes pride for organizing the 46th National School Game (Gymnastics) for Boys & Girls in 2002. Arrangement of such an event in an outdoor venue was the first of its kind in the Country.
Swimming:A regular and modern Swimming Pool with effective water-treatment facility has been prestigious project of the Samity in South Kolkata. Facilities for learning and practicing by Children, Ladies and Gents are providing through different time-slots. One time-slot in each evening is reserved for ladies exclusively. Considering safety on top priority the pool is compartmentalized for always made available. Swimming session continues for 6 months from April to September. In order to promote swimming among the budding swimmers, the Club organizes Annual Competitions every year even sometimes at District and State level.
Table Tennis:Our latest feather on cap is Table Tennis Coaching Centre. Here the youngsters are trained by coaches of repute. The centre has been shifted to the new premises.